Wish Upon (Unrated Version)
John R. Leonetti

Wish Upon (Unrated Version)

 5.1      3.2

A teenage girl discovers a box that carries magic powers and a deadly price for using them.

  • Director: John R. Leonetti
  • Main Cast: Kevin Hanchard, Joey King, Ryan Phillippe
  • Soundtrack: Andy Milburn, Tom Hajdu
  • Cinematography: Michael Galbraith
  • Screenplay: Barbara Marshall

Original Title: Wish Upon

  • Cinema Premiere: July 14, 2017

3 foreign reviews of Wish Upon (Unrated Version) (2017)

  • 1. Moviezine
    2 / 10

    Translated from swedish: As a bloodthirsty horror enthusiast, one constantly wishes for a wider range of thrillers in the cinema repertoire. But when it comes to what is being offered, one really has to be careful what one wishes for...
    - Andreas Samuelson

    Swedish: moviezine.se »

  • 2. Filmeye
    2 / 10

    Translated from swedish: "Wish Upon (Unrated Version)" is not particularly thrilling or frightening as a horror film.
    - Jan-Eje Ferling

    Swedish: filmeye.se »

  • 3. Filmbladet
    1 / 10

    Translated from swedish: For me, it is completely incomprehensible that they didn't just burn the negatives in the studio when they had the chance.
    - Fredrik Lagnetoft

    Swedish: Review: "Wish Upon"

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

Wish Upon (Unrated Version) has earned a total of 23 468 586 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).