Walt Dohrn
Trolls Band Together
Poppy discovers that Branch was once part of the boy band 'BroZone' with his brothers, Floyd, John Dory, Spruce and Clay. When Floyd is kidnapped, Branch and Poppy embark on a journey to reunite his two other brothers and rescue Floyd.
- Director: Walt Dohrn
- Main Cast: Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, Eric André
- Soundtrack: Theodore Shapiro
- Screenplay: Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger
Cinema Premiere: November 17, 2023
1 foreign reviews of Trolls Band Together (2023)
World-Wide Box Office Revenue
Box Office
Trolls Band Together has earned a total of 207 741 079 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).
1. Moviezine
Translated from swedish: "Trolls Band Together" is a delightful and catchy adventure that will be loved by the younger ones, but will also be appreciated by us older folks. This is a film about friendship, togetherness, and standing up for one another, but it also deals with family ties and honesty.
- Jonna Vanhatalo
Swedish: moviezine.se »