The Last Black Man in San Francisco The Last Black Man in San Francisco Trailer
Joe Talbot

The Last Black Man in San Francisco


A young man searches for home in the changing city that seems to have left him behind.

  • Director: Joe Talbot
  • Main Cast: Jimmie Fails, Jonathan Majors
  • Soundtrack: Emile Mosseri
  • Cinematography: Adam Newport-Berra
  • Screenplay: Joe Talbot, Jimmie Fails, Rob Richert
  • Cinema Premiere: June 7, 2019

1 foreign reviews of The Last Black Man in San Francisco (2019)

  • 1. Aftonbladet
    8 / 10

    Translated from swedish: It is an irresistibly charming yet realistic film, with a poetic vein that tackles macho culture, the absent father, and the danger of getting stuck in the past.
    - Stefan Hedmark

    Swedish: »

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

The Last Black Man in San Francisco has earned a total of 4 637 830 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).