The Housemaid The Housemaid Trailer
Im Sang-soo

The Housemaid


A man's affair with his family's housemaid leads to dark consequences.

  • Director: Im Sang-soo
  • Main Cast: Youn Yuh-Jung, Jeon Do-yeon, Lee Jung-jae
  • Soundtrack: Kim Hong-jip
  • Cinematography: Hyung-deok Lee
  • Screenplay: Im Sang-soo

Original title in South Korea is Hanyo.

5 foreign reviews of The Housemaid (2010)

  • 1. Expressen
    8 / 10

    Translated from swedish: Everything is presented with exquisite visual magic and excellent acting, especially the female roles.
    - Bernt Eklund

    Swedish: »

  • 2. Dagens Nyheter
    8 / 10

    Translated from swedish: The actors are devilishly good in the Korean thriller "The Housemaid". But the film has a few too many genre shifts.

    Swedish: »

  • 3. Svenska Dagbladet
    6.6 / 10

    Translated from swedish: A heart-wrenching tragedy
    - Jan Söderqvist

    Swedish: »

  • 4. Aftonbladet
    6 / 10

    Translated from swedish: A completely unpredictable film with a superb ending

    Swedish: »

  • 5. Moviezine
    4 / 10

    Translated from swedish: Attempting to tie together a clumsy beginning with an equally clumsy end feels only forced, and what with a razor-sharp surface could have become a masterpiece becomes, with its problems in content, no more than a pile of rubble.
    - Daniel S Ogalde

    Swedish: »

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

The Housemaid has earned a total of 15 038 301 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).