Day After Tomorrow, The (2004) Day After Tomorrow, The (2004) Trailer
Roland Emmerich

Day After Tomorrow, The (2004)


Jack Hall, paleoclimatologist, must make a daring trek from Washington, D.C. to New York City to reach his son, trapped in the cross-hairs of a sudden international storm which plunges the planet into a new Ice Age.

  • Director: Roland Emmerich
  • Main Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum, Dennis Quaid, Dash Mihok
  • Soundtrack: Harald Kloser, Thomas Wanker
  • Cinematography: Ueli Steiger
  • Screenplay: Jeffrey Nachmanoff, Roland Emmerich

Original Title: The Day After Tomorrow

  • Cinema Premiere: May 28, 2004

4 foreign reviews of Day After Tomorrow, The (2004) (2004)

  • 1. Game Reactor
    7 / 10

    Translated from swedish: As a lighthearted film about human destinies and how relationships are affected during major upheavals, "Day After Tomorrow, The (2004)" works well.
    - Anna Eklund

    Swedish: »

  • 2. Svenska Dagbladet
    5 / 10

    Translated from swedish: The imagination runs out when the ice age reaches New York
    - Jeanette Gentele

    Swedish: »

  • 3. Moviezine
    4 / 10

    Translated from swedish: "Day After Tomorrow, The (2004)" won't take you by storm, but it's not a complete disaster either - it just could have been done so much better.
    - Alexander Kardelo

    Swedish: »

  • 4. Expressen
    No Rating

    Translated from swedish: Some cool image tricks with computers don't forgive much.
    - Mats Bråstedt

    Swedish: »

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

Day After Tomorrow, The (2004) has earned a total of 552 639 571 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).

Explore the director

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