The Batman
Matt Reeves

The Batman

In his second year of fighting crime, Batman uncovers corruption in Gotham City that connects to his own family while facing a serial killer known as the Riddler.

  • Director: Matt Reeves
  • Main Cast: Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, Andy Serkis, Zoë Kravitz, Robert Pattinson
  • Soundtrack: Michael Giacchino
  • Cinematography: Greig Fraser
  • Screenplay: Matt Reeves, Peter Craig, Mattson Tomlin
  • Cinema Premiere: March 4, 2022

2 foreign reviews of The Batman (2022)

  • 1. Filmbladet
    7 / 10

    Translated from swedish: Visually, Matt Reeves' "Batman" is a masterpiece, but despite being a fresh detective interpretation, it falls a bit short due to the villain not being as terrifying as one could have hoped.
    - Fredrik Lagnetoft

    Swedish: Review: "The Batman"

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

The Batman has earned a total of 770 836 163 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).

Explore the director

Other movies by Matt Reeves