Surfs Up Surfs Up Trailer
Chris Buck & Ash Brannon

Surfs Up


A behind-the-scenes look at the annual Penguin World Surfing Championship, and its newest participant, up-and-comer Cody Maverick.

  • Director: Chris Buck, Ash Brannon
  • Main Cast: Jeff Bridges, Shia LaBeouf, Zooey Deschanel, Jon Heder
  • Soundtrack: Mychael Danna
  • Screenplay: Chris Buck, Lisa Addario, Ash Brannon, Christopher Jenkins

Original Title: Surf's Up

  • Cinema Premiere: June 8, 2007

1 foreign reviews of Surfs Up (2007)

  • 1. Moviezine
    8 / 10

    Translated from swedish: All in all, this is an unusually good children's film that actually manages to get both children and adults to laugh.
    - Kim Nilsson

    Swedish: »

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

Surfs Up has earned a total of 152 005 713 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).

Explore the director

Other movies by Chris Buck

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