Sliding Doors Sliding Doors Trailer
Peter Howitt

Sliding Doors


A London woman's love life and career both hinge, unknown to her, on whether or not she catches a train. We see it both ways, in parallel.

  • Director: Peter Howitt
  • Main Cast: Jeanne Tripplehorn, John Hannah, Gwyneth Paltrow
  • Soundtrack: David Hirschfelder
  • Cinematography: Remi Adefarasin
  • Screenplay: Peter Howitt
  • Cinema Premiere: April 23, 1998

2 foreign reviews of Sliding Doors (1998)

  • 1. Filmtipset
    8 / 10

    Translated from swedish: I can imagine that a younger generation may perceive the film as a bit slow and difficult to grasp. You need to have the energy to engage yourself for a few hours. Make sure you have the energy for this movie. It's not a recommendation after a tough work week. But otherwise, it's a steady four.

    Swedish: Review Sliding Doors

  • 2. Dagens Nyheter
    No Rating

    Translated from swedish: "Sliding Doors" is a vacuous and inoffensive Hollywood romantic comedy.

    Swedish: »

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

Sliding Doors has earned a total of 11 841 544 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).