Into the Blue Into the Blue Trailer
John Stockwell

Into the Blue


A group of divers find themselves in deep trouble with a drug lord after they come upon the illicit cargo of a sunken airplane.

  • Director: John Stockwell
  • Main Cast: Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Caan, Ashley Scott
  • Soundtrack: Paul Haslinger
  • Cinematography: Shane Hurlbut, Peter Zuccarini
  • Cinema Premiere: September 30, 2005

1 foreign reviews of Into the Blue (2005)

  • 1. Moviezine
    4 / 10

    Translated from swedish: The whole "Into the Blue" is likely just an excuse to show off as many perfectly sun-tanned and well-toned Californian model bodies as possible.
    - Alexander Kardelo

    Swedish: »

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

Into the Blue has earned a total of 46 117 696 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).

Explore the director

Other movies by John Stockwell

Blue Crush Poster
Blue Crush
  • ⏱️  104 min ⭐️  5.5