Hayao Miyazaki
Howls Moving Castle
When an unconfident young woman is cursed with an old body by a spiteful witch, her only chance of breaking the spell lies with a self-indulgent yet insecure young wizard and his companions in his legged, walking castle.
- Director: Hayao Miyazaki
- Main Cast: Chieko Baisho, Tatsuya Gashûin, Takuya Kimura, Akihiro Miwa
- Soundtrack: Joe Hisaishi
- Cinematography: Atsushi Okui
- Screenplay: Hayao Miyazaki, Diana Wynne Jones
Original title in Japan is Hauru no ugoku shiro.
Cinema Premiere: June 17, 2005
5 foreign reviews of Howls Moving Castle (2004)
8 / 10
Translated from swedish: In summary, this is a different but very interesting movie - a little too messy for my taste, but definitely an experience and a movie worth watching more than once.
- Daniel HofverbergSwedish: dubbningshemsidan.se »
8 / 10
Translated from swedish: It probably feels a bit long-winded after all, and judging by the slightly contrived ending, one can almost sense that Mr. Miyazaki has a hint of a pounding Disney heart inside his vest despite everything. But only almost.
- Anna EklundSwedish: gamereactor.se »
4 / 10
Translated from swedish: The surface is beautiful and full of charm, but the content is a bit sluggish and too convoluted for its own good.
- Alexander KardeloSwedish: moviezine.se »
Box Office
Howls Moving Castle has earned a total of 237 536 126 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).
Other movies by Hayao Miyazaki
My Neighbor Totoro
1988- ⏱️ 86 min
- ⏱️ 103 min
Spirited Away
2001- ⏱️ 125 min
- ⏱️ 117 min
- ⏱️ 124 min
- ⏱️ 101 min
1. Spel och film
Translated from swedish: Do I need to say that I love the movie? I think everything is brilliant in it, the environments are completely magical, the depiction of the power struggle between wizards, witches and the nobility oppressing the people is strong.
- André Svensson
Swedish: Review: "Howls Moving Castle"