Spike Jonze
In a near future, a lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with an operating system designed to meet his every need.
- Director: Spike Jonze
- Main Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Amy Adams, Rooney Mara, Joaquin Phoenix, Chris Pratt
- Soundtrack: Owen Pallett
- Cinematography: Hoyte van Hoytema
- Screenplay: Spike Jonze
Cinema Premiere: January 10, 2014
10 foreign reviews of Her (2013)
10 / 10
Translated from swedish: "Her" is a beautiful and philosophical film about love.
- Axel DiedrichsSwedish: filmtopp.se »
10 / 10
Translated from swedish: Philosophical sci-fi romance of the finest quality
- Anders LindahlSwedish: russin.nu »
10 / 10
Translated from swedish: Spike Jonze has accomplished something as complex as a sci-fi drama comedy about disembodied love, which feels credible.
- Josefina LindeSwedish: kulturbloggen.com »
8 / 10
Translated from swedish: They are sometimes made, the perfect hybrids of drama and science fiction, and "Her" definitely belongs to this category!
- Ronny SvenssonSwedish: expressen.se »
6 / 10
Translated from swedish: Unfortunately, the cinema experience does not lift the film much beyond an interesting philosophical argument and sympathy for the pleasantly human protagonist. However, the film offers several both heartbreaking and subtly comical scenes, which become the great merit.
- Sigrid AskerSwedish: ka.se »
5 / 10
Translated from swedish: Provokingly cute and without resistance to chewing
- Hynek PallasSwedish: svd.se »
4 / 10
Translated from swedish: Vision of the future full of quasi-philosophical babble.
- Kerstin GezeliusSwedish: dn.se »
4 / 10
Translated from swedish: For two hours, then, you see an incredibly self-absorbed guy - in various poses and wearing striking designer pants - grinning sheepishly at himself. It's not really something that engages you.
- Bodil JuggasSwedish: Arbetarbladet »
Box Office
Her has earned a total of 48 517 427 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).
1. Moviezine
Translated from swedish: It is impossible to describe "Her" as anything other than a perfect fit.
- Lotta Zachrisson
Swedish: moviezine.se »