Enemigo Publico Enemigo Publico Trailer
Tony Scott

Enemigo Publico


A lawyer becomes targeted by a corrupt politician and his N.S.A. goons when he accidentally receives key evidence to a politically motivated crime.

  • Director: Tony Scott
  • Main Cast: Will Smith, Jon Voight, Gene Hackman, Regina King
  • Soundtrack: Harry Gregson-Williams, Trevor Rabin
  • Cinematography: Dan Mindel
  • Screenplay: David Marconi

Original Title: Enemy of the State

  • Cinema Premiere: November 20, 1998

2 foreign reviews of Enemigo Publico (1998)

  • 1. Aftonbladet
    8 / 10

    Translated from swedish: A very intense and exciting film, where Gene Hackman adds weight to his role as a former agent and the lawyer's only support in a hopeless situation.
    - Jan-Olov Andersson

    Swedish: aftonbladet.se »

  • 2. Nöjesguiden
    5 / 10

    Translated from swedish: At the risk of being accused of being a dull film scholar: I have seen this film before. Many times. Very many times.

    Swedish: ng.se »

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

Enemigo Publico has earned a total of 250 849 789 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).

Explore the director

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