Joakim Lundell horrorfilm Joakim Lundell horrorfilm Trailer
Oskar Mellander

Joakim Lundell horrorfilm


Four popular ghost hunters join Gone Ghosting to live stream from a reputedly haunted hunting lodge, aiming to prove legends of its grisly past true.

  • Director: Oskar Mellander
  • Main Cast: Klas Wiljergård, Vincent Grahl, Fanny Klefelt
  • Soundtrack: Oscar Fogelström
  • Cinematography: Mårten Stenberg
  • Screenplay: Henry Stenberg, Paolo Vacirca, Joakim Lundell

Original Title: Canceled

2 foreign reviews of Joakim Lundell horrorfilm (2023)

  • 1. Moviezine
    4 / 10

    Translated from swedish: A ghost hunting scare without a single original idea
    - Alexander Kardelo

    Swedish: »

  • 2. Aftonbladet
    2 / 10

    Translated from swedish: The worst thing about "Joakim Lundell horrorfilm" is that it becomes dull, a mortal sin for a ghost house film. The story is also a shoddy construction with gaping logical holes as its foundation.
    - Stefan Hedmark

    Swedish: »

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

Joakim Lundell horrorfilm has earned a total of 46 811 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).

Explore the director

Other movies by Oskar Mellander

The Evil Next Door Poster
  • ⏱️  87 min ⭐️  6